Become a Bi-Glass Dealer

Expand your business with Bi-Glass Systems, a revolutionary window conversion process. With this cutting-edge system, you can turn existing, single-pane wood windows into energy-efficient, double-pane, low-E windows. And all of the work is done on-site in a specially-equipped mobile trailer workshop.

Several Great Benefits

The Bi-Glass System gives you the edge you need to succeed in the window-replacement field. Benefits include:
Low Start-Up Costs & Fees

Low start-up costs and low monthly fees. It is not a franchise; your fees will not increase as your profits rise.

Mobile Workshop

We help you setup a complete mobile workshop that hooks up to any full-size pickup truck or van. The workshop can be used to perform any other carpentry work you may have and allows you to work year-round in any weather!

Works with All Styles of Wood Windows

Styles include double-hung, casement, awning, and picture windows, which can all be converted with our patented technology.

Variety of Conversion Packages

Each package is customized to your needs for training, tools, and marketing support.

Excellent Profit Margins

Enjoy a quick payback on your investment.

Unique Marketing Opportunity

Allows you to sell other products and services.

Enormous Market Potential

Recent studies project sales of windows for remodeling and replacement at 27 million units by 2020. You can be in the forefront of this $20 billion residential remodeling market by becoming a dealer.

What Can You Offer Your Customers with Bi-Glass Systems?

With Bi-Glass Systems, you offer your customers so many wonderful benefits. Some include:

With the Bi-Glass Conversion System, You Receive:

Technology License for the Bi-Glass Process

Custom Cutter Bits

Bi-Glass Router Guide

R&D, Engineering & Training Support

Credit Artisan window & Sash, Fair Oaks, CA